Do not adjust your computer screen. I'm actually posting something to my blog. I know. I nearly had a heart attack too. I was just discussing blogs w/ a friend of mine who is a successful blogger. Not only is his blog interesting and varied, but he's consistent with his follow-through. Impressive. Maybe that's not so impressive to you, but to me? I'm obviously not as good at that part. So when he was asked whether I had a blog, I shamefully hung my head and mumbled (or I would have mumbled if we had been speaking face to face), "I have a blog but haven't written in years." As it turns out, it's only been like a year and a half, but still. He felt that I'd write interesting things. Very flattering. I explained that I often have these ideas for something interesting and I'll start writing a post, but because I want it to be perfect, perfect, perfect, I stall...and then it never gets posted. This got me thinking. Maybe I should just take all the posts I've already started and post them as is - as an act in humility.
Heh. I just went back and read through my unposted entries. This could be kind of fun. So. Prepare yourselves. I'll make sure to include when the post would have originally been published. I may also add a little something, but for the most part, I'm going to try not to alter the original state in which it currently resides. And as an act in consistency, I'm going to start out with posting one/week, unless I feel inclined to post more than that. I'm going to commit to the weekly post and then go from there, k? K.