Tuesday, June 19, 2007

New Blog - Check it out!!

So a few friends and I have started a new blog...to add to my plethora of others. It's all kinds of fun, though. If you're a fan of movies and like to comment on them or even just read about others' comments, please join us at http://fruitysoaps.blogspot.com/.

Our mission statement...er whatever you want to call it, is as follows.

"Movies and other entertainment media fall prey to a myriad of different view points. Thus, it is highly arrogant to assume one person can effectively process and evaluate all the various genres of movies and music in a fashion that respects the full spectrum of movie patrons. So, we give you the Movie Cynics. Sharp wit and quick tongues cut straight to the heart of plots, character development, product placement, and shameless intrigues giving you an honest, well-rounded synopsis allowing you to know beforehand what to expect from your entertainment."

Well put! Come one, come all and let out the movie cynic within you!


Wendi said...

I just added this fabulous link to my blog. Since all blogging contributors can quote every movie line EVER written, this is THE blog to read on any cinematic question or review.

So excited!

Lindy said...

so are you leaving your Eunice blog alone? if so, i'll change my link. just wondering. :)

Christina said...

Wendi - We aren't too shabby, are we? Thanks for your support!

Lindy - No, I'm not ditching Eunice. I've just been lazy and in "vacation" mode. Sorry. I've been working on a post for the last, oh I don't know...month? Okay, it's time I got it done. Thanks for the motivation!! :)

tyler and ali said...

Thanks for looking up my blog...now I can blogstalk you! Lucky girl.