Tuesday, August 28, 2007

End of the summer ruminations...

(No, I don't mean cud-chewing.)
So another semester began for me recently and I'm forced to ponder the things that I will miss with the advent of homework and night classes. I list them for you below...in no particular order.
  • Free time, or what I like to call "Any-time-when-I-can-do-nothing-for-as-long -as-I-like." It could be argued that, because I am an adult, all of my time could fit into that category...but if I start thinking that way then I'll REALLY never get anything done!
  • Reading all the novels I can get my hands on. This one makes me sad, even if my class reading IS fascinating. There is some mental block that forms for me when I'm told to read a book as opposed to when I choose to read a book. Even if it's a popular novel, when it's made into a "textbook", it becomes a horrible chore to read it. Stupid mental block!
  • Staying out late without repercussion - unless you call falling asleep at your work desk, repercussion. I just call it nap-time.
  • Spending money on completely unnecessary things anytime I feel like it. (Oh give me a break...while this might be curbed a bit, let's be honest. This lovely little habit ain't goin' nowhere.)
  • Keeping on top of all the latest films in the theater. Well, this one shouldn't suffer terribly until crunch-time begins. I mean, I'll still need to let loose on the weekends, right?
What won't I be giving up?
  • Well, I won't be giving up my obsession with web-surfing and other various online time-wasters.
  • Speaking of online time-wasters, I will hopefully not be giving up my blog. I know I've been exceedingly lazy this summer, but I'm hoping that now that classes are beginning again, I'll be blessed with greater determination to blog...as a means of avoiding the homework I have looming above me. I mean, that's kind of why I began this thing. Tools of procrastination are a wonderful thing...kinda.
  • My recently rekindled friendship with exercise. I've been so good for the last few months, but it's so hard to keep up once homework and classes start taking over...and the fatigue begins to creep in. Gotta make myself go to bed at a reasonable hour and then I might not be battling so much.
  • I'm also worried about keeping up my slightly healthier eating habits. Sigh. Life-long battle, maybe? But wait, this list is for what I'm NOT giving up...so that settles that.
And there you go. Does the end of summer signify an end or beginning for you too? Do share!


Cabeza said...

I have the same mental block associated with assigned readings. I think I'm slowly overcoming it... but it still gets in the way.

So yeah, my biggest thing that has to go when the semester starts again is the amount of pleasure-reading I get to do. I'll still work some in (I can't survive without it!), but it won't be as much as I like.

Heather S. said...

Yay! You wrote! Good job friend! Good luck with your new semester and all of the old and new things that come with it!

wynne said...

Sadly, summer ending means absolutely nothing to me. If my child were old enough to go to school it might, but he isn't. And so, it means nothing at all.

But it's still...what, two weeks before summer is officially over? I don't care if YOU have to go back to school, it's not over yet.

Unprofessional Chef said...

I thought going back to school would be the best thing for my workouts. I thought, "well, I'll have class...and then the rest of the day to do homework and stuff, so I can just take some time to go to the gym!" Sadly, this doesn't seem to be the case. School runs long and I have to work, and suddenly the entire day has disappeared. I guess there's never an ideal schedule to make working out easy.

Christina said...

Oh, wicked, bad, naughty, evil Zoot! Sorry guys, for not responding like YEARS ago! I did read your responses a long time ago, but got swept away by all the things I mentioned before...boo.

Cabeza - yes. So sorry I'm not the only one suffering from this mental block. I suppose it's just our cross to bear.

H.S. - Thanks! Obviously, I'm letting the semester rule my life a bit more than I planned.

Wynne - Maybe I waited this long just so that I could respond and say, "Ha!" It is TOO Fall! Heh. Barely. I love the Fall and I'm so sad it hasn't decided to really be Fall weather here yet. Boo.

UPC - Indeed. The school schedule sadly doesn't do much to inspire working out. I have class two nights a week, which means I have to be strategic in my workout planning. But if I miss just one day...that makes me that much less motivated for the rest of the week. Sigh. Battles to fight...crosses to bear. How on earth am I supposed to survive all of this!? (Woe is me!)

Jilly Bean said...

So much for posting more regularly with the start of a new semeseter eh? What's crackalackin' my friend?

wynne said...

I know what's happened here. This blog has gone south for the winter.

Christina said...

My blog has officially returned from an extended stay in the Hamptons. I'm still annoyed that it didn't think to take me along. Grumble, grumble.