Friday, August 15, 2008

Fishy Footsie Follow-up


Sakievich said...

you are a very strange woman.

Bradley said...

Love your Blog, Christina! I particularly loved your post entitled "Two field Mice and part of a squirrel" (which would make an awesome, though cumbersome name for a rock band). Your fishicure experience reminds me of the numerous times I have turned to the animal kingdom for assistance with personal hygiene. Do you remember when I got a kiss from the adolescent (female, by the way) orangutan from the Milw. Cty Zoo? What you may not know is that I got a good de-lousing at the same time -really a very thorough grooming, I must say. And then there was that time I strapped our pet Guinea pigs to both wrists and my forehead as de facto sweatbands before a game of raquetball. That did not work at all! Their fur was itchy and made me sweat even more! Plus, I got a little Guinea pig pee in my left eye. Lastly, there was that one time I let Mike Kurtz's Dandie Dinmont Terrier sand blast the acne off my upper back. That little pup was highly trained - not so much of a seeing-eye dog, but more of a exfoliating-pimple hound specially bred to cosmetically abrade the pitting, cavernous acne with which the poor, unfortunate Kurtz family was cursed (this entire breed of dog could even lance boils!). Anyway, I guess your video entry of the the Fishicure was cool, too.