Monday, July 28, 2008


So you know the trend where everything has to be EXTREME? Well, I've just fallen victim to the latest trend of "extreme pedicures". Check it out. That's right...tiny little carp will nibble at the dead skin on your feet to make them all smooth and luxurious. And on this coming Saturday, my friend Becca and I will be offering our tootsies up as a morning snack to a school of hungry garra rufa. You may be asking yourself, "What in the sam hill?!" I ask you, "Why the sam hill not?!" I mean it's not like these little guys have teeth, so it won't hurt... I hope. I just hope my feet are at their most calloused, so I can provide them with a really good meal. Admittedly, when I first heard about this, my "wig-out" factor was at a level 8.9, but I was also secretly attracted by the idea. I mean...what a novelty, right? And who knows? I might actually like it!

And this leads me to the heart of my post. Thanks to gmail, the announcement of my upcoming ichthyotherapy caused a male friend to remark "As a self-respecting heterosexual male, I don't do pedicures in general, but the idea of fish chewing my feet does seem intriguing." So I the majority of heterosexual men feel this way? Would the only way to get them in a pedicurist's chair be to tempt them w/ the promise of having fish gnaw the dead skin off their feet? Or is that just a ploy? Do they secretly want to indulge in something like a pedicure, but can't feasibly do so without the guise of "scientific experiment" or the excuse "my sister (wife, etc.) made me do it"?

Thinking that I'd prove my friend wrong about his gender, I began to poll all of my other available male friends on pedicures. My question of "Have you ever had a pedicure?" produced a wealth of responses:
  • No way!
  • That's a rather personal question...but no. I haven't.
  • No, I'm a man.
  • I have feet?
  • No. Wait. I mean hell no.
So out of the eight men that I polled, only two of them had previously had pedicures and both were in favor of doing it again. Okay, I get it, guys. You don't want to be thought of as a nancy-boy, a metrosexual, a whoppsy. Fine. But does the occasional act of someone scraping the dead crap off of your feet really make you into a girly man? Would it really bring your manhood into question? Speaking as a woman, I see nothing wrong with a man who enjoys a pedicure from time to time. I mean, he doesn't need to get his nails painted - that would be going too far in my estimation. But, to me, a pedicure would in no way injure his manliness. But guys, are you more afraid of what other guys will think or of what women will think of you?

I'm not really trying to define a gender line here, I'm just wondering if maybe we're more similar than we are different. I know that often for women, our insecurities deal more with how we imagine we might be perceived by our sister peers, rather than by the male population. Are we really more fascinated by things deemed "feminine" or "masculine" than we let on, because we are afraid of how it might look if we show too much interest?

I didn't exactly expect my musings on foot-nibbling fish to end up where it did, but I'm curious to know your thoughts.


Stephanie & Brad Bishop said...

YIKES. Are we really related to someone who would subject herself to this willingly? Let me know how it goes!

Unprofessional Chef said...

Had you asked me whether I'd want to have little carnivorous fish eat my feet to a level of perfection not previously attained, I would have been more amenable.

Warren said...

I've never had a manicure, but I think it would be fun to have fish bite at my feet.

Asian Keng said...

Seeing as the guy I'm dating was one of the two who HAD had a pedicure (even before I'd ever had one) I suppose I can't question the manliness of pedicures or otherwise. And as far as fish eating my feet; well, I said I'd only ever run for charity, so maybe in this case I can justify personal physical indulgences for the sake of eco-friendly, environmentally sustaining grooming habits. Right?

PS I'm a girl. I can offer no comments on the emasculation of pedicures...

Carlos the Great said...

I think it'd be cool to have really nice feet. But what I don't want is for little fish to remove my precious calluses. I could probably walk on coals and have no problems! =)

Cabeza said...

I would like to submit a transcript of my chat with Christina in which she asked if I had ever received a pedicure. The point? To demonstrate that this is not strictly a gender issue, as she would have us all believe!

Christina: have you ever had a pedicure
me: No way.
Christina: why not?
me: Why would I?
Christina: cuz it feels nice and then your feet aren't all horned and jaggedy
me: My feet aren't all horned and jaggedy.
Christina: i bet they are you just don't know any different
poor sap
me: My feet are just fine.
Christina: says you
me: So say we all.

I have no sexist aversion to the pedicure. I just see no justifiable reason to subject another human being to handling my feet.

Christina said... it's come to my attention that Darren isn't the only guy who feels proud of his callouses. Am I right? Is that why you steer clear of pedicures?

Christina said...

But I'm NOT saying that it's a gender issue, for crying out loud! I know several women - my mother included - who just don't like people touching their feet. A friend did mention that in order to get an "accurate reading" I ought to ask women whether or not they'd ever had a pedicure and if not, would they consider it. So about it? Ever had a pedicure? If not, why not?

Amanda said...

Wait, guys can't get their nails painted?

Asian Keng said...

I, up until one week ago, was horribly averse to pedicures, because like you said, i hate the thought of people touching my feet. It took me several several months to adjust to the idea and finally be okay with going. Jamie, on the other hand, is still staunchly averse to it. I don't think she'd ever get a pedicure.

Christina said...

Guys can do whatever they want to do. I'm just saying that I personally find that unmasculine.

Okay, and let me correct myself on something here...that I've already been corrected on. Fine, fine. I did make this a gender issue. Happy now? I was wrong. So let's discuss it as a gender and non-gender issue. How's that?

The Shark said...

I'm one of the two guys who'd had a pedicure. And I liked it. It felt really good, like my feet had turned to jelly.

However, despite Darren's tongue-in-cheek tone, he raises a valid point: we like our callouses. Don't get me wrong, I've had callouses before that got out of hand and I was glad to be rid of, but when I walked out of my pedicure it took me another couple weeks to be able to go running comfortably again because my blisters all came back. So it's sort of a decision between having feet that feel relaxed and comfy or being able to do more athletic things where callouses come in handy. I would only do a pedicure again if I were up to spending the $$ and had a really really good pair of running shoes that I knew wouldn't make me sorry for pampering my little guys.

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show you what procrastination will do to you: someone already said it. I would like to echo the two previously posted comments about calluses. We men go barefoot all the time in order to build up tough foot bottoms. Imagine going to a pedicurist and having all those hard months of careful callus cultivation erased in a single afternoon. No thank you. I will stick to being a manly lumberjack.

Heath said...

Good luck, Christina, and please follow up and let us know what it was like! Weird, but maybe in a good way? I've never had a pedicure of the regular sort, but my girls are always telling me I should paint my toenails for the summer, so maybe I will one of these days. I don't think I'm ready for the fish treatment yet, though, but more power to ya! : )

Heather S. said...

Ew. Really? Seriously? You must write about your fishy adventure. My sister wont have anyone do her feet either... I guess she feels like they're "Bowing" to her or something. Like she's better than they are. Me... I likey the food massage and stuff.

Stephanie & Brad Bishop said...

Check out LONELY PAUL comments on Jessie's photo session and go to his site! I'm a LITTLE FREAKED! I should probably go PRIVATE and watch JEssie like a HAWK> Creepy people make everything less fun and more anxious!

wynne said...

Huh? I'm still stuck on the fact that you let fish snack on your feet.

(Did it tickle?)

wynne said...

I've never had a pedicure. I'm not opposed to them, it's just that they cost money, and I need that money for other things. I'm sure it would feel nice, though...

And as far as callouses go--the only useful ones I ever had were on my fingertips when I played a stringed instrument. Other than that, they get in the way.

(Maybe women's feet are naturally much tougher than men's, and so we don't NEED the callouses like they claim they do...)

And for the love of all that's holy! I'd give all the money I never spent on pedicures if someone could help me convince my husband to exfoliate the crust off his knees--!


Update Already!! We need to know how many fish you killed! (And did they die of foot twitching or overfeeding?) I have had a pedicure before and it is quite enjoyable. I am not a regular for the foot treatment because I prefer to spend my spa time getting a massage or a facial. (Both quite excellent. Also excellent as consecutive treatments!)

Sakievich said...

I just hope you washed your feet before feeding the fishes.

Christina said...

Shark - I hear your cry for the manliness of callouses, yet I still think it's a little fishy. (Yes, I meant to say that.)

Calloused -'re a lumberjack and you're okay? Hmmm. Doesn't bode well for the manliness of callouses. Strike for Team Manliness!

Heath - Yeah, it was actually really nice. I recommend pedicures. They're relaxing and it's nice to let yourself be pampered once in a while.

Hux - I'd never considered the idea that a pedicurist might be inadvertently admitting obeisance to me by sitting at my feet to pamper them. It's an interesting thought...but my reaction is. If they actually feel that way, why would they start a salon in the first place? Oh and me likey the foot massage too. :)

Steph - I'm sorry you had to privatize your blog, but yeah. Creeps like that should honestly be quarantined from the internet or something. (Is that even what I meant to say? I'm sure you get the idea.)

Wynne - It did tickle - but not all tickling is all bad. :) And I like your suggestion that women's feet may be tougher than men's. We do seem to excel in several areas...oh, but this wasn't supposed to be a "gender thing". (Yeah right.) Um, and good luck in getting Jeff to scrub the nastiness off his knees. Ew. Does lotion help? Can you trick him into putting some on by telling him it's...uh...manlotion?

Adri - I just posted. Sorry it took so long. And I'd really love to try a facial and a massage, but haven't gotten around to either one yet. There's something the girls can do at our next reunion, no? Yay!

Sakievich - Never fear. They took care of washing our feet before we stuck them in w/ the fish. So you can't blame the floater in my tank on me.