So for the last six months or so, I've been redoing my bedroom. It started back in August when I consulted with my friend Spencer (thanks!!) on the reconfiguration of my room and the important choice of wall color(s). Then I repainted my walls. Although my bedroom is relatively small, it was a looooong week to get it all done.
As you can see, I went with three different colors. Grape leaf for the wall behind my bed, a paler green for the two side walls and pumpkin spice for the wall across from my bed, in the area I call "my office". I painted that wall w/ flat paint and then painted stripes of the same orange in high gloss. The effect is kinda cool. I like it.
Anyway, it's been a long, slow process of getting all the walls painted and then getting my existing pieces of furniture moved around to where I want them. Lastly, and with the help of our favorite "house boyfriend" (Thank you, Andy), everything got hung on my walls/ceiling.
And now my room is a marvelously beautiful little haven. I love it. Love, love, love it! I don't know whether the pictures can do it credit, but it's the best I can do. If you'd like a more first-hand view, you're welcome to come on over for a visit. I love visitors.
What projects have you been working on?