Tuesday, April 3, 2007

That's right...time for another one

I don't mean to startle anyone by having two posts in a row...I was a little startled myself. However, I felt that these little tidbits had great need of being posted. First of all...to the toast lovers out there. (You know who you are.) I thought you might enjoy this little game. Object of the game? Not to get burned, of course! Who likes burnt toast? Blech! So here's to you toast-lovers...Yeah toast!

All I can say here is Story-ory-o! Ah, Jack Black...you make nearly everything better. Black-a-lee-doo! (I do apologize for the slightly blasphemous script topic. Ignore that part.) I mean, who better than Jack Black to spread love, peace and how to come up with a story? I kind of wish he was teaching how to write a movie theme song, though. A-scroot-a-lee-doo, a-fruit-a-lee-doo...anyone? Anyone else love that movie as much as I did? I expect all who answer this one will be female...it is most unabashedly a "chick flick" and I loved every minute of it. Remarkably, I loved it in spite of the fact that it has Cameron Diaz in it...who most often makes me want to pull out my eyelashes one by one. She was actually alright. If you haven't seen it yet...go watch it. Or come over to my house and watch it with me. I own it. :)

Okay, and one more instructional video. The 80's are officially back. That's right ladies and gentleman...it's time to find that large piece of cardboard you've been hoarding for just such an occasion, put on your finest 80's track suit and get down to it. Come on everybody! Let's make Michael proud! (Oh Michael, you're such a parody of yourself now...but at least you were still black in this video.)

So, what do you think? Do we need to have a game night with a "fight to the toast" followed by a battle of the moon walkers? Anyone with the most believable MJ moves gets equal parts admiration and horror from me. I mean, as much as I've always wanted to know all the steps to his Thriller dance, I kind of feel that the level of "dedication" it takes to learn them might speak to a greater problem. That's all I'm sayin'. On second thought...maybe we could just re-enact this "version" of the Thriller dance. Oh I couldn't not put this one in here. This is for all you fans of bollywood. I haven't stopped laughing yet. (Killer! Killer!)


wynne said...

Oh my...heavens. That Indian guy could dance and dance and dance all night, couldn't he? I choked on my chutney watchin' that one. Especially liked the slick red suit--better than Michael's.

Christina said...

I absolutely agree. Michael, if you're reading this, you could learn a thing or two from our Indian friend here, both fashion and dance related.

Wendi said...

I heart Graham (Jude Law). His eyes, his glasses, his stellar fashion sense.... I'm waiting for my JL to come knocking on my door at 2 in the morning. Because isn't all life just like the movies?

Christina said...

Wendi - Sorry it's taken me so long to respond! Would that life really were like the movies! Sigh. Mr. Law, you may know on my door anytime. If he stops by your house, though, Wendi, do be sure and tell me. I'll just live vicariously through you, then. :)