Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sitting Duck

Duck Beach, North Carolina: not a place, but an experience. (Yes, one more blog about the happenings at Duck...get over it.) Common characteristics of the experience include; great hoards of single, flirting Mormons from all along the East Coast and beyond, sand, volleyball, sunburns, shameless flirting, Deer Park water bottles in excess, a lot more skin than accompanies your average Mormon gathering, an overuse of expletives such as "Fetch!" and "Flip!", and more shameless flirting. I only participated in some of the aforementioned activities.

In truth, this annual Memorial Day weekend trip takes place not only in Duck, North Carolina, but extends to any of the following locations; Outer Banks, Kitty Hawk, Corolla, Nags Head, and Sanderling. Large groups of people rent GINORMOUS beach houses in these and other locations that sleep anywhere from 10-35 people, thus making it an affordable venture. I stayed in a house w/ a total of 12 people (small by Duck standards), but which was RIGHT on the beach in Sanderling. In fact, the bedroom that I shared w/ my friend Becky faced the ocean and we opened our sliding door so that we could fall asleep to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. Sigh. I miss it.

The weather was absolutely perfect. PERFECT! The temperature ranged anywhere from the mid-70's to the low-80's with a steady, warm breeze. Really, the majority of my time was spent laying on the beach, building upon 30 years of skin cancer. But I'm nice and brown now...if not still a bit itchy. I hate that part.

So, you may have noticed the distinct lack of men in my pictures here...yeah. It didn't end up being my greatest priority to meet new boys while there, but just to enjoy my time w/ my friends, who are primarily girls, and get in as much beach time as possible. I loved every minute of it. I did hit some of the big parties on Saturday night, but as I already knew would happen, I spent my time talking to the people I already knew or the ones I had come with. I'm not social in those situations. I don't like them. Give me a smaller group combining people I know and some I don't and I'm a much happier girl. Give me a group of around 4000 people and I just shut down. Sensory overload. Christina is closed for business.

But whatever, that was just one little part of an entirely fantastic weekend. Spending Friday through Monday at a beach is heaven, pure and simple. A few other highlights of my time there included:
  • finding some sweet deals on beach chairs (and treating our fearless driver to one to assuage the ickiness of having gotten a ticket on the way down) :(
  • learning that I do, in fact, love long walks on the beach
  • trying crab legs for the first time and liking them
  • driving down to the lighthouse to watch one of the most enchanting sunsets
  • learning some new, hip lingo..."Hollerrrrrr"!
  • discovering the most evil (read: exquisite) creation made by Nabisco - Strawberry Milkshake Oreo
  • searching for and finding some perfect sea shells
  • getting caught in a crazy hail storm on our way home and wondering if we would make it home in one piece
  • strengthening friendships and striking up new ones - learning to appreciate others for who they are
Now aren't you just jealous?


Asian Keng said...

should I be jealous? :P Maybe a little of the sunset... stupid pan-fried dumplings.

Christina said...

Oh but they tasted so good! And you may have noticed that I didn't put any of my sunset pics on here. No worries. We'll always have Duck.

Unprofessional Chef said...

Strawberry milkshake oreos!!! I fully take credit for anyone I know getting hooked on those (especially you, if you remember one of our more milestone google chats). I ate a whole package in a period of time even I'm embarrassed to share publicly.

becks said...

Aaah . . . your post captured the weekend perfectly, my friend. "The salty sea air. The wind blowing in your face." I'm thinking of getting one of those machines that makes nature noises so I can fall asleep to the waves crashing on the beach FOREVER!

And yes, I was present for I think all of those highlights you mentioned. Holler! Yeah, my highlights would be pretty much the same. However, I would like to add a few more: When the cop apologized for giving me a speeding ticket. How often does that happen? Jen's spectacular dinner that we totally crashed (Mmmm . . . dumplings). And listening to you sing along with the trumpet solos while listening the Harry Connick, Jr:)You're so filly, Christina!

Megan B said...

yes, actually :)


Um, yes.

I stayed in Corolla Light with a college friend and her family for a week about 12 years ago. Delightful. Afterward we planned to buy houses there.

Yep still haven't gotten back there...

Glad you had a blast.

Anonymous said...

Duck Beach sounds fun, though I'm definitely with you on the big parties -- I need much smaller groups of people in order to function.

I really like several of the pictures, particularly the last three. I seem to never take pictures that good.

Christina said...

UPC - If the package of said oreos had been all mine, I would have downed them in one sitting, make no mistake. As it was, I had to share and so I've been searching for them ever since, but to no avail.

Becks - Ha ha! Filly! And I'm glad you mentioned all of those other meaningful features of the weekend. Ah...good times, good times!

Megan B - Well, you and the brood will just have to come out for a visit and I'll take you's that? :)

Adri - I think the family should buy a house out there! That way we can start having our family reunions in one place...a fabulously gorgeous and relaxing place. Oh yeah...and it's closer for me. Ha. Somehow I don't think the rest of the fam is going to go for that, but whatever.

Brandon - Thanks! I actually don't always have much success in getting my pictures to turn out well either, but I lucked out w/ the last 2. The 3rd to last picture was taken by my friend Jen, so I can't take credit for it.

And yeah...smaller parties all the way!

Heather S. said...

Sounds like it was a weekend of happiness! I'm glad you finally posted something new! :) I've also decided that I could be okay living closer to the ocean on a permanent basis, but... darn cost of living. Hey, I miss you by the way.

Wendi said...

Totally Jealous!!! Sounds like the perfectly ducking time. Good food, quality friends, and ideal location. Yay!